Thursday, January 12, 2012

New babies are a gift from Heaven

Isn't she absolutely adorable? Considering I'm her aunt, I may be biased, but that is besides the point. Even though the first two weeks of the new year didn't go exactly as planned, I say a new baby trumps all of that anyway. 

Dena Marie Capehart was born at 2:18am on January 3, 2012. She was 7 lbs 7oz and 20.5 inches long. As her mother Dana says, she's practically perfect in every way. Dena joined this world slightly unexpected and slightly unplanned, but thankfully as healthy as anyone could ask for. Heavenly Father sure has blessed our family. Both Mom, Baby & Dad are doing well & settling into a new routine at home. Grandma has been helping out here and there. She truly is a blessing.

I love being an aunt. It is awesome to be able to spoil my nieces and nephews and to pretty much love them to pieces. How can you beat that?

So the new year started off a little crazy, but I'm glad. Crazy keeps me on my toes and makes me grateful for having wonderful people in my life.

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